How can I save my information in directory or in phone book?


Faith &hope

Hi ,
I have one question that I need help to some one who can explain me and
move the ignorant things from me.
When I open database I complete my table, but if I try to open my directory
or my phone book I do not find any thing. How can I do when I need to save
my information in directory or phone book?

John W. Vinson

Hi ,
I have one question that I need help to some one who can explain me and
move the ignorant things from me.
When I open database I complete my table, but if I try to open my directory
or my phone book I do not find any thing. How can I do when I need to save
my information in directory or phone book?

Your directory and phone book are (I would guess) not in Access, but in some
other program - perhaps Microsoft Outlook or Windows Mail?

There *is* no direct connection between an Access Table and an Outlook
Contacts folder, unless you program it yourself. What programs are you using?
What version? How (if at all) have you arranged a connection between an Access
Table and your phonebook?

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