How can I save my JPG in lower case?




This is a Windows XP question.

When I save a photo, the only option offered to me is upper case .JPG (or
whatever file extension) I need to save it as lower case. (in the file type
drop down box)

Sometimes I can 'rename' a photo by right clicking on it and save it as .jpg
and it's OK - other times it comes up as .jpg.JPG which I only find out when
I've navigated to upload the photo and it's really frustrating :)

Is there anywhere I can check that it's the correct filename before I get to
uploading stage - or better still, is there any way I can alter the options
offered so that they automatically save in lower case?

Thanks very much


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Windows XP questions should be asked in a Windows XP NG (this one is for
Word), but I am wondering why you are trying to do this. Most Web servers
are not case-sensitive.


Thanks Suzanne

I'm afraid it is case sensitive - sorry to have posted in the wrong group -
I tried to find Windows XP in the drop down box, but it wasn't there - shall
hunt round the Microsoft site now to post in the right place.




Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
... Most Web servers are not case-sensitive.

Not sure about "most", but all Unix - Linux servers *are* case sensitive.
FTP programs typically have an option to automatically convert names to all
l.c. when uploading.

Liz - easiest way is to save it the way Word wants to, then rename it in
WIndows Explorer.


TedMi said:
Not sure about "most", but all Unix - Linux servers *are* case sensitive.
FTP programs typically have an option to automatically convert names to all
l.c. when uploading.

Liz - easiest way is to save it the way Word wants to, then rename it in
WIndows Explorer.

You Genius Ted - you utter genius - I've just had a go and it works like a
charm - you utter genius - you have saved me so much 'messing around'

The server *only* accepts lower case file extensions - it's a problem with
PDF (pdf) as well - my default save is upper case - no idea why, but that's
the way it is - now I can transfer my images to their folder, my pdfs to the
support folder etc etc and KNOW it's all going to go through ;-)

Thank you so much - I'm going to post this on my forum now - it was a
problem for a few of us


Liz Alderson

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