How can I see Baseline 2


Mona K Gupta

How can I see the baseline #2 that I created? When I look
at the plan, there is still no trace of that particular

Jack D.

Mona said:
How can I see the baseline #2 that I created? When I look
at the plan, there is still no trace of that particular

Go to format menu / barstyles and create a style(s) which go from
Baseline2Start to Baseline2Finish

Please try to keep replies in this group. I do check e-mail, but only
infrequently. For Macros and other things check

-Jack Dahlgren, Project MVP
email: J -at- eM Vee Pee S dot COM


Mike Glen

Hi Mona,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Please see FAQ Item: 14. Viewing Multiple Baselines

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on:)

Mike Glen
Project MVP


-----Original Message-----
How can I see the baseline #2 that I created? When I look
at the plan, there is still no trace of that particular

In a Gannt-view; choose Format --> Bar Styles. Create a
new instance by clicking Insert. Choose color and style
and then enter Baseline2 Start under the heading From and
Baseline2 finish under the heading To. Depending if you
want to display the baseline for tasks or summary tasks
choose the appropriate type under Show For ... Tasks.
Good luck!

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