How can I see my owned public tasks in my personal task list?



I would like to see the tasks from a public task folder that are assigned to me
in my local task list.
Alternatively, how can I see all my owned tasks from a public task list in
"Outlook Today"? (my local task list doesn't help, because this is not where
my owned
tasks are stored).

Judy Gleeson MVP - Outlook

for you to see Tasks and be the owner they need to be:

created in your Tasks folder

or assigned to you.

Judy Gleeson - MVP Outlook
Acorn Training and Consulting
Canberra, Australia
When you post in here, always include your version, SP level, and mode (if
applicable) of Outlook - you can find this information in Help | About. Also
include the type of mail account(s) you use and any other pertinent details.
Be sure to put a concise summary of your question in the subject line, and
the full details in the body of your post.


Thanks, it partly solves my problem.
It seems like I cannot explicitly assign the task that I just created for
myself in the public folder to me. Bascially what I do is:
- copy a email from my inbox to the public task list, by dragging it to the
public list,k and selecting to create a task with email attachment
- thsi creates a new task in that public list which I'm the owner for.
- when I open this task I cannot re-assign it to me, which would probably
make it automatically visible in my personal task list.

So, how to assign this public task to me?
Thanks -Joerg.

Judy Gleeson MVP - Outlook

You'll need a higher level of permission in that Public folder to do that.
I'm not sure what level.

Judy Gleeson - MVP Outlook
Acorn Training and Consulting
Canberra, Australia
When you post in here, always include your version, SP level, and mode (if
applicable) of Outlook - you can find this information in Help | About. Also
include the type of mail account(s) you use and any other pertinent details.
Be sure to put a concise summary of your question in the subject line, and
the full details in the body of your post.


Followup: it turns out I *cannot* assign a task from a puublic task folder to
me, no matter what access rights to that folder I have (I'm actually owner,
the highest level). So, I'm still stuck.
Let me describe again what I like to do, perhaps there is some totally other
approach to this:
- there is a public task folder that multiple team member use to log their
visible and trackable to all others.
- as this list is BIG, I like to easily *see* the subset of tasks from that
list that I'm
the owner of. Ideally track all these tasks in my local task list, so that
I can easily
see them in "Outlook Today" as well.
The problem currently is that it takes much time to go to this public
folder, sort
the list by owner, find my tasks, and check on them. I like to see ONLY my
somewhere locally, but keep them consistent with changes in the public task

Can this be done??

Judy Gleeson, MVP Outlook

Well if the requirement is to share a Tasks folder, I would start by
suggesting a Shared Mailbox and from the Tasks folder in that you can assign
tasks. Thus the whole team can then each have Tasks Assigned to them and see
a holistic set of Tasks in that Tasks folder - make sure to show the Owner

Judy Gleeson, MVP Outlook
Acorn Training and Consulting

Everyone - turn on your Advanced Toolbars and learn how to use the Field
Chooser and Group by Box!!

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