How can I set up an InfoPath 2007 application to send mail throughOutlook 2003

  • Thread starter Larry W. Virden
  • Start date

Larry W. Virden

I am in an environment in which I do not have any choice in the
versions of applications being used. I am using InfoPath 2007 to
publish to SharePoint a browser based application. The IP application
needs to send an email message after gathering information from the
user. The users primarily have Outlook 2003.

When I run the InfoPath application, it says that it is unable to send
email unless Outlook 2007 has been identified as the mail program.

That's not going to happen.

So, what kinds of work arounds are available?

Ben Walters

Hey Larry,
Depending on the email that needs to be sent there are a couple of other
options you have here.
1: If the email in question is a notification e.g. "<User> a new form has
been submitted for you to review" the you could use a SharePoint designer
workflow to achieve this.
2: Alternately you could also configure alerting on your SharePoint site to
notify subscribed users that there are new forms to view.

that's the best I can suggest at present, if could provide some more details
around the business requirement e.g. what's in the email etc.. that would be

Ben Walters

Larry W. Virden

provide some more details
around the business requirement e.g. what's in the email etc.. that wouldbe

The application gathers the name of a user, a group of entries
selected from a listbox, and a date needed and a date returned. The
email needs to contain the user name (along with full name,
department, phone queried from getuserprofilebyname), the items
needed, and the date range, to be sent to an outlook email address
(and Cc'd to the requestor and recipient).

Larry W. Virden

The weird thing is that I already have set up 3 IP 2007 apps that send
mail off just fine. I look at this new one and don't see anything

It would be so useful to be able to have a tool that, when pointed at
a published IP application, would inspect the tool and report all the
details of the application - where it was installed from, what
properties are set, details of the data connection, etc. Then one
could compare a "broken" application to one that is working to try and
determine what is missing.

Larry W. Virden

Well, it turns out that the new application was based on a sample
written by someone else. The data connections in the sample were
pointing to a different sharepoint site, and this resulted in a
variety of issues. Once I corrected the data connection URLs, things
now appear to be working with mail going as expected.

Thanks for the ideas

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