how can i setup and save keyboard shortcut for letter Ä, ă...



learning chinese, i want to type some letter with the accents/tones.

to do so without using hex codes, i wis to create and save my own keyboard
shortcut for them
like Ctrlshift- A to get Ä
i can create the shortcut in the shortcut key of the symbo pad, but it does
not save them and i lose them when exiting word.
how can i save save for use on a regular basis?


Since you found the place to enter your special coding for the
accented letter, you just need to locate the checkbox that says "Save
in template ..." which will include, at least, your

Note, however, that pinyin does not use the breve accent (like a U
over the letter); it uses the hachek (or "caron") accent (like a V
over the letter). Most fonts do not have that set of vowels -- you may
need to get a roman font intended for pinyin.


being on vista, there is no checkbox...only the saving on submenu that i had
already put to " save changes to Normal " vs "document 1" before using the
"assign" function
no luck either as it is lost upon the next word restart
i look forward to other insight...


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Keyboard shortcuts are by default saved in (you don't need to do
anything special to get Word to save them). If they're not being retained,
it's either because isn't being saved or because is
being replaced at startup. In the latter case, it's a matter between you and
your IT department. For the former, see the last portion of for one possible
cause and instructions on forcing a save.

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