How can I sort Seniority Dates?



I have a list of employees with seniority dates. We inspect the employee's
work each year based upon their anniversary date. I want to sort the dates
so that the list is grouped by common months. For example an employee with
an anniversary date of July 10, 2001 would be grouped with an employee having
an anniversary date of July 2, 2009 even though there are many employees that
do not have an anniversary in July but do have seniority that falls between
the two dates. [EXAMPLE: February 1, 2005]

In other words, all July dates would be grouped regardless of the year, all
February dates grouped regardless of the year etc. I am guessing I will be
using the Date Function and replacing the “year†part with a set value but I
have not been able to make it work. Even after looking at the results of a
Google Search.



Victor Delta

Quin said:
I have a list of employees with seniority dates. We inspect the employee's
work each year based upon their anniversary date. I want to sort the
so that the list is grouped by common months. For example an employee
an anniversary date of July 10, 2001 would be grouped with an employee
an anniversary date of July 2, 2009 even though there are many employees
do not have an anniversary in July but do have seniority that falls
the two dates. [EXAMPLE: February 1, 2005]

In other words, all July dates would be grouped regardless of the year,
February dates grouped regardless of the year etc. I am guessing I will
using the Date Function and replacing the “year†part with a set value but
have not been able to make it work. Even after looking at the results of
Google Search.


You need the MONTH function. I would suggest using a new column and insert
in the top cell =MONTH(C1) assuming C1 is the first employee's seniority
date. The result will be a number from 1 to 12 depending on the month. Drag
or copy this cell down the new column.

Then all you have to do is sort the table by this column and the employees
will be divided into 12 groups by seniority month.

Hope this helps,


Victor Delta

Quin said:
That is a wonderful and simple solution. Exactly what I needed.

Thanks so much,


Glad I was able to help. So many things in life are complicated that I'm
always in favour of simple solutions if possible!


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