How can I stop my CDO e-mails triggering spam rules?


Mark H


I' ve been using CDO to send SMTP e-mail from an Access application very
happily for a long while now but have recently noticed that my e-mails are
triggering spam rules. The description of rule says that it's firing because
I'm using an old version of CDO (the version I'm currently using is CDO for
Exchange 2000.). I want to stop this from happening and am trying to find an
alternative method of sending messages that provides equivalent
functionality. Does anyone know of any way of doing this in VBA?


Not at all sure, but you might check out the following websites to see if
they give you leads:

The Redemption Object Library:
Redemption is a wrapper for MAPI you can use within VBA. (I use it to avoid
the security prompts that Outlook generates.)

I sometimes use CDO 1.21 but I don't know whether it'll do what you want.

Sorry this isn't much help. Hope you get a better reply.

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