How can I switch between online and offline modes onlyin Outlook?


Dan Abramson

I need to switch between online and offline modes in Outlook automatically
for a roaming laptop user. I can't have the user go into disconnected mode
as when the user hits send receive button he gets the following two error
codes when offline...
0X8004011D and 0x80040115

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

I need to switch between online and offline modes in Outlook
for a roaming laptop user. I can't have the user go into disconnected
as when the user hits send receive button he gets the following two error
codes when offline...
0X8004011D and 0x80040115

You should post this question in one of the Outlook newsgroups -- this one
is for OneNote. When you do post the question there make sure you state
what version of Outlok you're working with.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
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