How can I test for the last record printed in a merge



I am using a catalog to print multiple records from Access into a single
letter in Word. To have and opening paragraph, I check if MERGESEQ = 1 and if
it is, Word adds the opening paragraph. After the last record of data is
printed in the body of the letter, I would like the concluding paragraph to
be printed. How can I have word check if the last record was printed? The
number of records printed in the letter is always different, so I can't check
if MERGESEQ or MERGEREC = a specific number.


This article addresses what I already have in my letter. I already am testing
MERGESEQ for the first record. The article does not address how to test for
the last record so that I can print the concluding paragraph after all the
records have been printed. Is there a way to test for the last record?



That web site had the answer (that I was not hoping for) in the last
sentence. Word cannot test for the last merged record!

Thanks for trying though.

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