Hi Ken,
This is a reply to a post you've made on 22nd May 2006. Your post was a
reply to another post which is as follows:
'Here is one solution:
You'll have to change the constants in the event proc to suit your needs.
Following code should be placed in worksheet's code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Column to be watched
Const sWatch As String = "F"
'Column of reference data that will show on Track sheet
Const sRef As String = "A"
Dim rWatch As Range
Dim rCell As Range
Dim sUser As String
Dim lOffset As Long
Set rWatch = Intersect(Target, Columns(sWatch))
If rWatch Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
sUser = Environ("username")
lOffset = Columns(sRef).Column - Columns(sWatch).Column
With Worksheets("Track")
For Each rCell In rWatch
With .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
.Value = rCell.Offset(0, lOffset)
.Offset(0, 1).Value = Now
.Offset(0, 2).Value = sUser
.Offset(0, 3).Value = rCell.Value
End With
Next rCell
End With
End Sub
Ukyankee said:
I have a spreadsheet used to track actions by numerous folks. There is a
column for a due date that I would like to see when and how often it is
changed. I looked at Track Changes, but it tracks ALL changes in all
(adds, edits etc) - which is too much info. I would like to see only the
changes on a particular column after the initial entry. Any thoughts
be greatly appreciated. '
Now, I have a similar query, only that instead of one column there are a few
more. Its a spreadsheet with say products and their ID's and a final column
with no. of customers who have purchased that product. now, the number of
customers for each product could change, but also there could be new products
added to this sheet. At the end of each month I would like to see a separate
sheet (like the sheet named 'Track' in the above code) which highlights
changes in the 'customers' tab, and also in the product tab (to highlight the
new products entered in that month).
If I could have changes in say the 'product' and 'ID' columns in one sheet
and the changes in 'customer' column in another sheet it would solve another
issue although it's not very important.
I was thinking that adding another column being tracked along side 'F' would
work but since I don't know VBA, it's probably not the solution (it gave an
error on compiling 'Column to be watched
Const sWatch As String = "F", "G".....the "G" was my addition to the code)
Anyways, please help me if you can... looking at your and Ardus' posts I
thought it's worth a shot!
Thanks a lot in advance,