how can i turn off the horizontal outline (columns) in OneNote?


Arno Rite

I'm pasting programming code so I can mark it up and refer to it. Everywhere
tabs are located in the code, OneNote decides it should format it like a
column. I don't want that and I don't want to paste the text as a picture
either. How do I make OneNote handle tabs in the more conventional manner
like virtually every word/text editor does?


Erik Sojka (MVP)

After pasting, a Smart Tag should appear. From that Smart Tag menu, select
"Keep Text Only".

Depending on the complexity of the text being pasted, this may not always
work. Keep in mind that OneNote is not a word/text editor, so you
shouldn't expect similar behavior.

James Gockel

To reiterate Erik.
OneNote is not a word or text editor...
It is a note taking tool.
There are many features that people want, and they don't think... "Oh that's
what word is for."

OneNote does need some more features to make notetaking more usefull. and

Chris H.

If you read through all the previous posts, a lot of these items Microsoft
has already said are being considered for some way-off "next version." What
I've said, and perhaps other MVPs are also trying to indicate is the
expectation of OneNote's capabilities isn't "there" yet.

We'd all like to see all the drawing tools the Office Suite of programs
contains, but at this point, OneNote is really a step-child. Yes, it is
part of the Office "family," but does not tie into using all the same
functionalities. It wasn't designed as such, and therefore lags behind.
OneNote, since I use it primarily on a Tablet PC, really shines on that
platform. When used on a laptop or desktop, to me it loses some glitter.
In memory of a true friend, Windows MVP Alex Nichol

Chris H.
Microsoft Windows MVP/Tablet PC
Tablet Creations -
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -

James Gockel

Stepchild? I'd say the accidental child. Haha! :) You know the one, you
knew it could happen, but you ignore the warnings, and boom, you have that
extra one you didn't 'want'. --- heh... oh that was bad I know.


Grant Robertson

I agree. There are a few "basic functionality features" that OneNote is
missing. Users are expecting to be able to cut/paste in OneNote anything
that they want to add notes to. The "paste as an image" is just a
workaround. OneNote shoud recognize the text/graphs/charts and paste them
with their original formatting.

Why are all the "MVPs" constantly saying "this is not a word processor"? I
think we already are all aware of this fact. Do you guys think we're trying
to type a 100 page paper in OneNote or something? Comeon! Give us a break,
all we're asking for is some basic functionality. I don't think that were
asking for much! I don't thnk Microsoft expected this software to be as
popular as it is. I wish it would have taken more time to add a few more
features in before it's release. How long are they going to keep us waiting
for the next release/update? (rhetorical question)

OK, I agree with you here. I just want the 'basic functionality' features
that they concentrate on to be things that have more to do with my
ability to organize information than making things pretty.

One of the things I am looking for are accurate HTML cut and paste. With
so much of the available information today being presented as HTML on the
web it is inexcusable that you can't accurately cut and paste HTML into

The other thing I want is hyperlinks with bookmark recognition like in
Word. When you have hundreds of pages of interrelated notes you really do
need to be able to link between them. An additional feature would be for
the links to follow the target text no matter where it is pasted. This is
easy to do by inserting a unique hidden code at the location of the
bookmark. Then when you link to that bookmark OneNote would copy that
code into the link. When you click the link, if OneNote can't find the
link where it expected it to be you would be given the option of
searching your entire notebook for the bookmark and updating the links.

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