How can I update pictures with ease?



I have some generated figures to insert into word, and I create a
label(Figure 1, 2...) for each of those for reference in the document. The
problem is that, I need to update these figures from time to time, but once I
try to replace the out-dated figures with the new one, I have to delete the
old one and insert the new one. Then the labels attached to the old one
expire, so I have to redo the label/caption again. How can I update the
figures without touching the related label/reference?
Thanks a lot.


When you use Insert, Picture, From File, when the require file is selected,
instead of clicking Insert, click the down pointing arrow and you get
different options, one fo which is "Insert and Link". This will allow you ot
have the image within your document as before but it will be link so any
updates will be reflected after a manual update (F9).
Obviously links within a document does have its problems if the document is
to be distributed, either PDFing or unlinking all links before said
distribution can be a solution.
Can you describe the problem with the Label/Caption, why does it "expire"?
How is the caption created with the old image?
Hope this helps

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