How can I use a rule in cm in "word" to create boxes? Thanks



Hi there,
I am using "Word" and I would like to use a rule in cm in order to create
boxes - then, it would be very easy for me to use my scisors and cut the box
with text inside.
Thanks for your help

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Are you saying you want something like an onscreen ruler to help you draw
the boxes or that you want a rule or border outlining the boxes? If the
former, display the Drawing toolbar and use Draw | Grid to "Display
gridlines on screen." You can set the grid interval as desired.

If the latter, you can add a border to text (Format | Borders or Shading) or
an outline to text boxes (Format | Text Box | Colors and Lines).

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

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