How can I use a text string as a query parameter?



I am trying to build a query in which I need to create a variable parameter
based on a text string...

I have the Following Feilds:
UnitCount - Sum of units shipped
CaseCount - Sum of Cases shipped
FeeRate - the rate for a fee based on either UnitCount or CaseCount
FeeFactor - the feild that determains if the total Fee is based on UnitCount
of CaseCount

I want to create another feild that is equal to FeeRate x [NewParameter]*
* the new parameter is variable and would be equal to the following text
="SumOf" & [FeeFactor]
If FeeFactor is equal to UnitCount then the formula would be FeeRate x

I tried: ["sumof" & [FeeFactor]] but it will not recognize this text string
as a parameter...


Michel Walsh

A parameter will always be seen as data, not as structure (table, field,
....) neither as operator (+, -, SUM, ... ) . On the other hand, you can use
a switch, like:

SWITCH( param = "field1", field1, param="field2", field2,
param="field3", field3, ... ) AS whichField,
FROM ...

Vanderghast, Access MVP


Fee Rate:IIF([fee rate]=[unit count],[fee rate]*[sum of fee factor],[fee
rate]*[new parameter])
You may have to play with it a little to get exactly what you want, but you
need an IIF command.

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