How can I use Excel 2003 Spreadsheet Component in Visual Basic 2005?



Hi all,

I'm new to Visual Basic 2005, but experienced in VB6. I use an Excel
spreadsheet in my program (that is OWC11). In VB6 I used to intract
with the spreadsheet like:

A(i , j) = frmSample.xlsSample.Cells(i , j).Value

& I could get the value in cell (i , j),. but now it doesn't work. Can
anybody help me regarding this mater?


Thanks Alvin. Actually I've found the solution by changing my code as:

Dim _Cell as OWC11.Range

_Cell=frmSample.xlsSample.Activesheet.Cells(i , j)
A(i , j)=_Cell.Value

& it fortunately works (using the "Activesheet" property). But now I've
got another probelm with multysheet spreadsheets. In VB6 I used to code

A(i, j)=frmSample.Sheet(2).Cells(i,j).Value



for example, but now in VB2005 even rewriting it as

Dim _sheet as OWC11.Sheets, _Cell as OWC11.Range

_Sheet=frmSample.Sheet("Sheet2" or 2)

Doesn't work at all. I mean it yields to an error. I can delete current
sheet (Sheet1) or add another sheet, but I can't even rename the sheets
in VB2005 & interact with their cells values.

& please be sure Alvin thay of course I've got data in those cells.

Again Thanks for your reply.

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