how can i use form/skjema tool for meny list spred in dif arks



I made several list from a survay form in a excel bok,
I introduced each cuestion with all the posible answer in each ark of the book
the answer are normaly answer by writing a X in the alternative answer
som cuestion was to long so i introduce the cuestion as a referens title in
the ark
& write the posible answer in one cell each starting systematicaly from B3
where i introduce the answer title as referense so the answer are registrate
in the same colon
each raw will represent one subject a complety survay form and each colon
will be a posible alternative answer.

but i wonder if it is posible to to use the tool form /skjema in norwegian
to fill up the answers for all the book i sted to be need to chage to an
other ark
I will be greatifull if you know the answer
I will try to export the data later to acces 2003 for futher combinations i
just need more practice with acces before i try
