How can i use > in lookup function?



Column B has dates, 1 Jan 05 through 31 Jan 06. Column E has numbers .1,.2,
up through 6. I need a lookup function that will find the last value in
column E that is greater than .9 and then display the date in same row from
column B. This will be on a summary sheet and have a lookup function for each
of the sheets that follow. I had this but could not figure out how to use >.9
and the make the formula on another sheet. "=LOOKUP(6,E12:E407,B12:B407)". I
want the 6 to be a >.9 instead.
Help! Thanks Jim


I have similar problem:
Dates are stored in the 2nd Row.
Headcounts are stored from row 3 onwards. 1 row per project.
I am able to LOOK UP dat from ROW_2 for the HC=1 in the lower row.
This is equivalent to the END DATE. Not sure how to find the START date
A1="Start", B1="EndDt", C1=1-JAN-10, D1=C1+7, E1=D1+1 and so on
A2=Need a formula; B2=LOOKUP(1,C2:Z2, A$1:Z$1), C2=0,
D2=1,E2=2,F2=2,G2=1,H2=1, I2=0...Z2=0
Need a formula which will return the start date against the frist occurance
of NON ZERO number. In this case D2=1, hence the corresponding date from D1
should be returned,
B2=LOOKUP(1,C2:Z2, A$1:Z$1) is retruning the end date as long as the
headcount is 1. Need help to fetch this date if headcount were greater that 1.


Bala said:
I have similar problem:
Dates are stored in the 2nd Row.
Headcounts are stored from row 3 onwards. 1 row per project.
I am able to LOOK UP dat from ROW_2 for the HC=1 in the lower row.
This is equivalent to the END DATE. Not sure how to find the START date
A1="Start", B1="EndDt", C1=1-JAN-10, D1=C1+7, E1=D1+1 and so on
A2=Need a formula; B2=LOOKUP(1,C2:Z2, A$1:Z$1), C2=0,
D2=1,E2=2,F2=2,G2=1,H2=1, I2=0...Z2=0
Need a formula which will return the start date against the frist occurance
of NON ZERO number. In this case D2=1, hence the corresponding date from D1
should be returned,
B2=LOOKUP(1,C2:Z2, A$1:Z$1) is retruning the end date as long as the
headcount is 1. Need help to fetch this date if headcount were greater that 1.

For A2, the first date corresponding to a non-zero item:

A2 (array* formula)

Not sure what you're striving for in B2. I'm guessing you want the last
date equal to or exceeding A2 that corresponds to a contiguous block of
non-zero item?:

B2 (array* formula) **

*Commit an array formula by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter

**Note we use a little trick here. We are actually checking whether the
/next/ cell has a zero, hence the range shift.

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