It's become an old question. In the Formatting toolbar,
there is a pull down font menu. I have been trying, &
asking, to find out how to view these in their actual font
style. I have had this on other computers but I don't know
how to get it to come up. I've also asked here before but
the directions haven't helped me, unfortunately.
I was told to: Go in Tools, Customize, Options, List Font.
but mine does NOT have a "list font" to select. It only
has these 3 selections to choose from: "large
icons', "show screen tips on toolbar", and "show shortcut
keys in screentips" - there is no List Font. We are using
Office 97 with XP. Is the Office 97 version unable to do
this? Whatever applicable info is out there I'd appreciate
it very much!
This is what the other person told me
there is a pull down font menu. I have been trying, &
asking, to find out how to view these in their actual font
style. I have had this on other computers but I don't know
how to get it to come up. I've also asked here before but
the directions haven't helped me, unfortunately.
I was told to: Go in Tools, Customize, Options, List Font.
but mine does NOT have a "list font" to select. It only
has these 3 selections to choose from: "large
icons', "show screen tips on toolbar", and "show shortcut
keys in screentips" - there is no List Font. We are using
Office 97 with XP. Is the Office 97 version unable to do
this? Whatever applicable info is out there I'd appreciate
it very much!
This is what the other person told me