How can I work with two computers

  • Thread starter Jerry Pournelle
  • Start date

Jerry Pournelle

I would like to work with OneNote on a desktop, then, when I am going off to
Starbucks or elsewhere, move all that to my Tablet, carry that, have the same
file I was working on back at the desktop, do things to it whether on a trip
or just going down to the local coffee shop; come back, dock the laptop,
perhaps close OneNote, and open OneNote in my desktop, and have everything I
did out on the road in there as well as the previous files.

Second question: it is convenient to have the laptop docked near the
telephone so I can use it to make ink notes. OneNote is great for that. BUT:
if I have a OneNote open on my desktop as well, they don't seem to know each

I am sure there are easy ways to do all this, and I just don't have my head

Jerry Pournelle
Chaos Manor



If the computers (pc & Tablet) are networked, the fastest way I know
is to copy the "My Notebook" folder under \my documents to your
tablet. Do the reverse when you get fact to the PC. This copies all
"one note" folders.

Or, you can have a copy on the PC and a copy on the tablet and use the
"syncronize" feature built into your browser. Unfortunately, its very
dirty and the process is quite slow compared to a copy folder routine.

I here may be other ways.

I use Fujitsu 5022D tabletand love it Great in Starbucks too.


Alec Cormack

Mark said:

If the computers (pc & Tablet) are networked, the fastest way I know
is to copy the "My Notebook" folder under \my documents to your
tablet. Do the reverse when you get fact to the PC. This copies all
"one note" folders.

Or, you can have a copy on the PC and a copy on the tablet and use the
"syncronize" feature built into your browser. Unfortunately, its very
dirty and the process is quite slow compared to a copy folder routine.

I here may be other ways.

I use Fujitsu 5022D tabletand love it Great in Starbucks too.



I use a USB key to store the data for onenote, both desktop and laptop
point to the key drive. Works very well for me!

Alec Cormack

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

Jerry, try this: (offline folders)

For the second thing, there are a couple of ways to do this:
1. if this is a lot of notes at one time, and only occasionally, use a
shared session (start one on the desktop, join it on the tablet). You'll be
able to simultaneously edit the same notes on either machine, but when you
take the tablet away the shared session disappears.
2. if you basically want to take notes on the tablet when at your desk, but
don't need to see them when away from your desk, just open one of the
sections you have on the desktop from the copy of OneNote on the tablet
(File/Open section, browse to the right section file (*.one) on the
desktop). Now you can edit that file on the tablet and see the results on
the desktop (not in real time - you need to click to another section, then
click back which causes Onenote to reload the section, which will show the
edits you made using the tablet). If you want to edit that section on the
desktop *immediately* after using it on the tablet, on the tablet right
click on the section tab and choose "allow others to edit". Then the desktop
should get the ability to edit that section (may require you to click away
and back, or to right-click and chosoe "Allow only me to edit")

Unfortunately we can't "seamlessly" allow you to edit on both machines on an
ongoing basis yet. But we all want that to happen. In the meantime, these
two methods work if you are willing to work around the limitations.

Chris (MS)

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