how can i write some html code to word document?



code like below, but in word, it just like original code, i want to see text
with format, just like in web, how can i do?

Dim oWord As Word.Application
Set oWord = New Word.Application

Dim doc As Word.Document
Set doc = oWord.Documents.Add(Visible:=True)
oWord.Visible = True

oWord.Selection.range.text = "<html><body><b>hello</b> all</body></html>"

oWord.Quit savechanges:=wdPromptToSaveChanges

Chay Harley

Sorry, just to clarify - do you want to make a document in word, and then
save it as HTML so you can use it as a web page?


vba get some data from other application, they are in html format, I want
insert the data to word docment, How can VBA deal this?

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