How can LINKS be used in Entourage



My school uses Color days. There are 5 colors; Red, Orange, Yellow,
Green, and Blue. Each day during the workweek has a color. The colors
are sequential and not fixed to a specific day.

1. Monday is a regular school day and is a Red day Followed by an
Orange day.
2. Tuesday is a vacation day.
3. Because an Orange day follows a Red day, Skip Tuesday, Wednesday
would be an Orange day.
4. The following Monday will be a Blue Day, and Tuesday will be a Red
day and so on until another vacation day.

Sorry for the long winded set up.

The desired outcome.

I am trying to label the weekdays as such: Red thru Blue. But I
need to shape around the vacations and other days not planned as missed
school days.

My thoughts:

I am not an expert Entourage user so I need help. I feel that
somehow the LINKS feature is the way through. But as I said I'm no

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