How can one control the line breaks in titles?


Michael Moser

Occasionally a page's title (i.e. the text in the dashed box with
rounded sides at the page's top) is broken into two or more lines.
E.g. I just jotted down some notes during a presentation. I entered the
name of the speaker (a rather short name - 10 characters) and then
inserted the date & time into the title box.
For some to me absolutely non-apparent reason that line is split into
two line after the name and the date & time is shown on the second line.

What controls this? And why can I not combine these two lines into a
single line again (e.g. by controlling the length of that title box)?
There would be plenty of space on the page to fit the entire title into
a single line...


Ilya Koulchin

Michael said:
Occasionally a page's title (i.e. the text in the dashed box with
rounded sides at the page's top) is broken into two or more lines.
E.g. I just jotted down some notes during a presentation. I entered the
name of the speaker (a rather short name - 10 characters) and then
inserted the date & time into the title box.
For some to me absolutely non-apparent reason that line is split into
two line after the name and the date & time is shown on the second line.

What controls this? And why can I not combine these two lines into a
single line again (e.g. by controlling the length of that title box)?

OneNote will usually prevent you from putting multiple lines in the
title, but you can get around that by hitting shift+enter. If you did
that (possibly by accident?) you can get everything back onto a single
line by moving the cursor to the beginning of the second line and
hitting backspace. The title box will resize automatically to fit the
new line length.


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