Eyal said:
autoarchive runs on all folders
Archive can't be scheduled
so how i schedule an autoarchive run for a specific folder?
Auto-archive is like the wall switch in your room and the master breaker
back in the fuse box: both must be enabled to illuminate the lightbulb
in your room. You must enable the global auto-archive feature in
Outlook for any archiving to occur. That's the master breaker.
However, unless auto-archiving is enabled in a folder's properties, it
won't happen. The wall switch is off despite the master breaker being
on. So if you want auto-archiving to work on a folder:
- Enable the global auto-archive function (Tools -> Options -> Other ->
AutoArchive). [master breaker]
- In the properties for a folder, enable auto-archiving. [wall switch]
When you set the auto-archiving parameters in a folder's properties, you
are merely defining when the items become *eligible* for archiving. The
time interval you specify in the global archiving function is when the
archiving function will actually run (to then see which items become
eligible). If you set a folder to auto-archive items that are over 1
month old (based on their modified timestamp), they won't actually get
archived until whenever the archive function runs which is specified by
the global archive function. So 50 items that are over a month old in a
folder might not get archived for another 10 days if you configured the
global archive function to run every 10 days. The 50 old items became
eligible but nothing happens until the archive function actually runs.
So if you want the individual folder archive parameters to be obeyed
daily, make sure you set the global archive interval to 1 day. The
global archive function then runs every day to catch anything that newly
becomes eligible within that same day.
To only way to do what you state is to enable the global archive
function and then go to the specific folder that you want archived and
enable its auto-archive feature. You enable the master breaker for all
all folders but only flip the wall switch for one folder. That means
auto-archiving must be disabled for all other folders in the properties
of those folders so only that one folder gets archived.