how can test the existence of an item within a collection vba



how can test the existence of an item within a collection vba ?

i declare as it

dim toto as new collection

toto.add item:=titi, key:=1

toto.add item:=tata, key:=2

then i need to know if tutu is in the collection but my problem is that using

toto.item("tutu") guve me an error and it seems that vba collection doesn't not have an exist method.

Do you have a solution ?

Karl E. Peterson

Chris said:
how can test the existence of an item within a collection vba ?
toto.item("tutu") guve me an error and it seems that vba collection
doesn't not have an exist method.

Do you have a solution ?

Sounds like you found the solution. Here's a rather generic algorithm taken
off the first page of results from Google:

Private Function ContainsItem(col As Collection, val As Variant) As
Dim itm As Variant
On Error Resume Next
itm = col.Item(val)
ContainsItem = Not (Err.Number = 5 Or Err.Number = 9)
On Error GoTo 0
End Function

Later... Karl

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