Instead nested IF's you can use:
1. When the result will be numeric
2. When the result will be text
=IF(LogicalCondition1,Result1,"") & IF(LogicalCondition2,Result2,"") & ..
3. VLOOKUP function like adviced by Frank and Aladin. You can use a lookup
table (usually it will be on separate sheet), or you use an array as
function parameter instead.
4. INDEX function. It'll be especially useful when for some reason you
prefer the lookup table in matrix form.
5. A combination of MATCH and CHOOSE functions (it's limited with 24
different choices), like
when exact match is searched for, or
when the search value must be >=Value(n) and <Value(n+1)
Choices can be as numeric so texts.
6. A reduced formula like in previous paragraph - when you instead using
MATCH use some numeric expression which returns integer values 1 or 2 or
..... To be exact, these values mustn't be integers - the decimal part is
simply ignored.
=CHOOSE(NumericExpression, Choice1, Choice2, ...)
Again, you are limited to 24 differnt choices there.