How can write the shell function for the dir command?



Suppose we want the dir command* for the directory:

c:\my mp3 files\

and suppose that "path" is a string variable that:

path="c:\my mp3 files\"

How can write the shell function for the dir** command
with this variable ?

* at the Start->Run the dir command is : /c dir "c:\my mp3 files"

**I dont want the dir() function of access
i want the Shell function !!!

Van T. Dinh

(Newsgroups trimmed. Please restrict to *relevant* newsgroups only)

Shell " /K dir ""C:\Program Files""",vbMaximizedFocus


MyPath$="C:\Program Files"
Shell " /K dir " & MyPath,vbMaximizedFocus

I change to /K flag as /C will execute and then disappear straight away.

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