How can you add multiple keywords?



I'm wanting to add multiple keywords without doing in manually using the
"properties" tab. For instance, I want to embed keywords throughout a
document (insert--filed--keywords--new keyword), so that I can visually
review a document for key contents.

Can this be done? Or if others can see what it is that I'm wanting to do and
offer other suggestions for managing small bits of information within a
document, let me know.


Jay Freedman

I'm wanting to add multiple keywords without doing in manually using the
"properties" tab. For instance, I want to embed keywords throughout a
document (insert--filed--keywords--new keyword), so that I can visually
review a document for key contents.

Can this be done? Or if others can see what it is that I'm wanting to do and
offer other suggestions for managing small bits of information within a
document, let me know.


Does this really have to be done without the Properties dialog, or are
you just trying to reduce the number of keystrokes needed to get

To use the dialog normally, it takes three keystrokes to put the
cursor into the Keyword box: Alt+F, I, Alt+K.

If you go to Tools > Customize > Keyboard, you can assign a keyboard
shortcut to the dialog itself, but you still need the Alt+K to get to
the Keyword box, so we're down to two.

If you store this macro in or a global template

Sub Keyword()
SendKeys "%k"
End Sub

and assign a shortcut key to the macro, you're now down to one
keystroke. I don't think you're going to get any better than that.

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