Sorry about that folks.
I did not add an attachment, but I should have converted the text I
copied from Wilkipedia first. Because of the special scripting, the
newsreader added the attachments.
The following should be OK and not have any attachments
(in all cases there should be an arrow pointing right above a, v and r
in the equations shown below)
Aaah, Deb, we can't let Gord off that easily.
If, as you say he is on the metric system and the jerk is measured in
metres / second cubed, then I think he should well have known the
following and should have provided an immediate answer to the OP <vbg>
In physics, jerk, also called jolt (esp. in British English), surge or
lurch, is the rate of change of acceleration; more precisely, the
derivative of acceleration with respect to time, the second derivative
of velocity, or the third derivative of displacement. Jerk is described
by the following equation:
j =da/dt = d²v/dt² = d³r/dt³
a – is acceleration,
v – velocity,
r – displacement
t stands for time.
Yank is the analog of force with respect to jerk: mass times jerk, or
equivalently, the derivative of force with respect to time (this is only
true non-relativistically; since mass is velocity dependent in
relativistic physics, force is usually written as the first derivative
of the momentum, while yank would be the second derivative. For force,
it can be shown that dp/dt reduces to the familiar ma when v << c). Jerk
is a vector, and there is no generally used term to describe its scalar
The units of jerk are metres per second cubed (m/s3). There is no
universal agreement on the symbol for j
Now here in the UK, the Yank is normally known as someone originating
from the USA, and the Yanks may well think that
the Welsh who answer posts in this manner are complete Jerks<g>.
(especially when they create attachments to binary groups - mea culpa)