How can you update hyperlinks in an org chart shapesheet with a qu


R Wilson

I have an org chart created by importing records from Excel and I'd like to
fill the hyperlink field in every staff member object with the same formula
to display a picture of the employee:

="" & Prop.EmployeeNum & ".jpg"

The field employeenum is imported with the employee's data and each photo is
named [employeenum].jpg.

This works fine only if I open each object's shapesheet and paste the
formula into the hyperlink field. For some reason if I paste the formula
into the Hyperlink Address bar (accessed by pressing Ctrl-K) Visio adds lots
of quotation marks and the formula doesn't work.

Al Edlund

consider using v2003 record macro function to capture the process and then
use the new macro to save the keystrokes. the next step would be to add some
simple vba to have it look for shapes with your custom property to update.

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