kevs said:
Someone was saying to me that there is a way to take two very similar files
and have excel examine them, and let you know what is missing from one of
the files that is in the other file.
If possible, how does one do this? Thanks.
For single worksheets, the easiest way would be to create a new
worksheet / document and type into the cell A1 the formula:
= IF(Sheet1!A1 = Sheet2!A1, "", "* DIFFERENT *")
Where "Sheet1!A1" and "Sheet2!A1" are the A1 cells in the two
worksheets being compared - when typing the forumla you just need to
swap to the appropriate worksheet / document and click in cell A1 (when
swapping back you may need to manually delete some extra text).
Press the Enter key to accept the formula. Then click on cell A1 again
and either:
- do a Select All
or - select enough cells to cover the ones
you want to compare
then do a Fill Right and Fill Down (both in the Edit menu). It can take
a while on older computers and needs extra memory added to the Execl's
allocation for Mac OS 9 users.
Any cells that are different between Sheet1 and Sheet2 will then
contain the text "* DIFFERENT *".

Helpful Harry
Hopefully helping harassed humans happily handle handiwork hardships ;o)