How could i do automation of MS Powerpoint with installation of it



I intend to integrate MS Powerpoint into my application, but as you know, one
way is the automation of MS Office, but this will bring inconvenience to
users 'cause they must install MS Powerpoint to support such automation, my
question is whether there is another solution to avoid it? actually I just
want to integrate PPT view function to my application, not including PPT Edit

Your every word will be greatly appreciated by me, thank you!

Steve Rindsberg

I intend to integrate MS Powerpoint into my application, but as you know, one
way is the automation of MS Office, but this will bring inconvenience to
users 'cause they must install MS Powerpoint to support such automation, my
question is whether there is another solution to avoid it? actually I just
want to integrate PPT view function to my application, not including PPT Edit

If you just want them to be able to view presentations, you might be able to
launch either the PowerPoint Viewer 2003 or the older viewer. Users would still
need to have them installed, but at least the software's free.

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA


hi, steve,

Thank you, but as you know, I need to integrate PPT view function to my
application, so I must do automation of Powerpoint Viewer, huh?
as discussed before, MS Powerpoint Viewer2003 could not be automated, so I
have to automate version before 2003, huh?

Thank you!
Best regards!

Steve Rindsberg

hi, steve,

Thank you, but as you know, I need to integrate PPT view function to my
application, so I must do automation of Powerpoint Viewer, huh?
as discussed before, MS Powerpoint Viewer2003 could not be automated, so I
have to automate version before 2003, huh?

It would seem that way. What do you need them to see ... animations, sound, the
whole presenation as though it were running in PPT, or just static images of slides?

If the latter, you could export PPT's slides as images and distribute them instead.
Thank you!
Best regards!

Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA

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