How could we change cost rate for resource??



Dear all,

I've already defined Cost Rate for Resource (users), and after that
Build Team From EnterPrise

and assign these resource to projects.

Now we want to change the rate for resource, how could we do that?
Because when i open Enterprise
Resource and change the rate there, they don't effect to resource on




The cost rate for resources is maintained in the Enterprise Resource Pool
(ERP). When you update the resource record in the ERP, the rate is inherited
by all projects that use a given resource. If you are not seeing the results
in PWA, you need to republish. You will see the results of the rate change in
Project pro immediately.



There are some problems that confused me like:

I have 3 project files, the 2 old files and the new one.

- When i open the 2 old files first, they not inherited rate from ERP.

But when i open the new one (always inherited rate from ERP) first, and
then open the old files, they inherited too.

Please tell me why they like that, and how to fix that?




I assume by "old" you mean you have two existing projects in Project Server
that have been started but not completed.

If they have not inherited the new rates check the rate table to see if you
put an Effective Date. Rates will retain the old cost prior to the effective
date, but all tasks on or after the effective date should inherit the revised

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]

When you change standard rates for resources in the enterprise resource
pool, they do not get applied to projects until you open them and cause them
to be recalculated. This is not something that happens in the background on
the server. Does that help explain what you're seeing?


I try to set Effective Date in Enterprise Resource Pool back to year
2004, but still can not
in 2 old project files.

Exactly that for long time, we don't use cost management for our
projects (2 old files).
And with the new one we set up cost.

So is it possible if we comback and set up cost for our projects (2 old




Perhaps these are dumb questions but: (1) are you sure the projects are in
Server? Perhaps you are opening from File? or (2) Have you checked the
Resource Sheet to see if the resources in the old files are defined as Local?
Local resources will not inherit rates.

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