How create Notebook Template?



Hi -

I've searched high and low to figure out how to create my own custom
NOTEBOOK template, but I can't find it. I know how to make page templates,
but not how to create and save a Notebook template. Any assistance would be
appreciated. Thanks.


Not supported. However - and it might seem obvious - but I used the following
as my own workaround as this was something I wanted to have available as well:
Create your new notebook, add sections, pages, etc that you want as part of
the notebook. Then, via explorer, copy that to your 'templates' location and
then copy into the OneNote folder as required (and rename to the required
name). The only issue I had was that I ended up with a number of notebooks
with the same color scheme but that was a quick fix back in OneNote.
Not perfect but it's certainly easier than recreating the entire notebook
each time.

Not supported. However - and it might seem obvious - but I used the following
as my own workaround as this was something I wanted to have available as well:
Create your new notebook, add sections, pages, etc that you want as part of
the notebook. Then, via explorer, copy that to your 'templates' location and
then copy into the OneNote folder as required (and rename to the required
name). The only issue I had was that I ended up with a number of notebooks
with the same color scheme but that was a quick fix back in OneNote.
Not perfect but it's certainly easier than recreating the entire notebook
each time.

- Show quoted text -

As atropus32 said.

(1) Create a folder on your hard drive that has contains directories
of the notebooks you would want to make more of.
(2) copy the folder (Note: onenote notebooks are FOLDERS)
(3) paste folder where you want it (often \My Documents\OneNote
Notebooks\ )
(4) rename the folder to a more appropriate name. (Tip: copy the
location of the folder in the address bar at the top) (saves the
navigating if you paste it on the Open dialog box)
(5) File .. Open ... Notebooks .... and select the directory.

NOTE: You should do some research regarding "Section Groups". This
might be a way of keeping these similar NoteBooks seperate but in the
same Notebook. I might avoid a plethora of Notebooks. YMMV FWIW.

Ilya Koulchin

crubin said:
I've searched high and low to figure out how to create my own custom
NOTEBOOK template, but I can't find it. I know how to make page templates,
but not how to create and save a Notebook template. Any assistance would be
appreciated. Thanks.

Not sure if this is exactly what you mean, but try this:
1. Create a new notebook and populate it with the content that you want
to be the notebook template.
2. Rightclick the notebook on the navbar and select "Save As"
3. Make sure "Current Notebook" and "OneNote Single File Package" are
4. Give it the name that you want the template to have
5. Save the file to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft
Office\Templates\1033\ONENOTE\12\Notebook Templates" (adjust the path to
point to the OneNote install directory if you did not select the
defaults during installation)

You will now be able to select your template from the list when creating
a notebook using the new notebook wizard in OneNote.



1. Create the Notebook Temple
2. Go to File-> Publish as...
3. Select Save as type: ".onepkg"
4. Select Page range: "Current Notebook"
5. Save to folder "C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application

Whenever you create a new notebook, the saved template should appear in
Template section.

Daniel Escapa [MS]

Posted over 5 months ago:

Please look on my blog!

naniMS said:
1. Create the Notebook Temple
2. Go to File-> Publish as...
3. Select Save as type: ".onepkg"
4. Select Page range: "Current Notebook"
5. Save to folder "C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Application

Whenever you create a new notebook, the saved template should appear in
Template section.

crubin said:
Hi -

I've searched high and low to figure out how to create my own custom
NOTEBOOK template, but I can't find it. I know how to make page
but not how to create and save a Notebook template. Any assistance would
appreciated. Thanks.


I'm glad I came upon these postings about how to create notebook templates.
It's really easy to make a new notebook using the template I made now, but
for some reason it takes FOREVER to load once I'm done creating it. Is there
any reason for this or anything I can do about it? It literally takes between
2-5 minutes.

Ilya Koulchin

Rosemary said:
I'm glad I came upon these postings about how to create notebook templates.
It's really easy to make a new notebook using the template I made now, but
for some reason it takes FOREVER to load once I'm done creating it. Is there
any reason for this or anything I can do about it? It literally takes between
2-5 minutes.

Could you tell me what kind of content you have in your template? Is it
mainly just text, or does it also contain images/files/audio/video?
About how many sections and pages are there in the notebook template? Is
either the template or the new notebook stored on a server somewhere, or
is it all on your harddrive? What part of the process takes a long time
- is it the notebook creation part (while there's a progress bar at the
end of the notebook creation wizard), or just waiting for all the
sections to populate (section tabs which appear white at fist and slowly
start getting colored)?


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