Gary Walter
I downloaded Albert Kallal's WordMerge22 db
and liked his custom report menu bar that allows
printing to default or specific printer (thank you Albert).
I just could not figure out how he associates the
Function DisplayPrintDialog() with this menu...
Function DisplayPrintDialog()
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.SelectObject acReport, Screen.ActiveReport.Name
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPrint
End Function
(or, at least, they appear to not work w/o function...
I could be wrong...)
Finally I took easy way out and imported all custom
menu/toolbars (and function) from WordMerge22
into the db I was working on, then deleted all but this one.
But I sure would like to understand this so I
could create this myself if someone could help me.
Thank you,
and liked his custom report menu bar that allows
printing to default or specific printer (thank you Albert).
I just could not figure out how he associates the
Function DisplayPrintDialog() with this menu...
Function DisplayPrintDialog()
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.SelectObject acReport, Screen.ActiveReport.Name
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPrint
End Function
(or, at least, they appear to not work w/o function...
I could be wrong...)
Finally I took easy way out and imported all custom
menu/toolbars (and function) from WordMerge22
into the db I was working on, then deleted all but this one.
But I sure would like to understand this so I
could create this myself if someone could help me.
Thank you,