I don't know if this is the right forum to ask this question - but i did nto
find any better forum in code project.
I writing code in C++ and im using com to contol the microsoft outlook.
I try to delete some mail or some appointment with some specific subject or
with some specific body or data from outlook.
But i did not find any good way to do it beside scan all the
mail/appointment in the Outlook:
lFolderXXX( XXX is mail folder - like inbox
/ outbox / olFolderCalendar) and compare with the data that i looking for -
and if they are equals then Delete the mail/appointment item.
So i need some "smart" way to find the right item checking each item ..
because scan all the appointment can be a lot of work.
find any better forum in code project.
I writing code in C++ and im using com to contol the microsoft outlook.
I try to delete some mail or some appointment with some specific subject or
with some specific body or data from outlook.
But i did not find any good way to do it beside scan all the
mail/appointment in the Outlook:
/ outbox / olFolderCalendar) and compare with the data that i looking for -
and if they are equals then Delete the mail/appointment item.
So i need some "smart" way to find the right item checking each item ..
because scan all the appointment can be a lot of work.