Is there a way to stop the sound made through the soundcard when one
uses a Shell or Call in Excel?
I only want to hear a sound on the PC's internal speaker which I had
to make a assembler (fasm) *.com program for. It works perfect under
DOS without sounding the external speakers through win98, but now
Excel is making a sound!
call shell("c:\dos\inPCplay.com 1000 20",0)
witch calls:
; author (e-mail address removed)
; use: inPCplay hertz1 playtime1 [pausetime1 [hertz2 playtime2 ...]]
; time in 1/100 second
; use in Excel: call shell ("c:\inPCplay.com 1000 20 20 2000 20 20
3000 20")
;wait for a time-change of the 1/18sec ticks before starting
mov AH,0 ;function 0 for int 1Ah = read system timer
int 1Ah ;read bios timer (CX
X = 1 / 18.206sec timeunits,
mov BX,DX ;save low word to compare later
mov AH,0 ;function 0 for int 1Ah = read system timer
int 1Ah ;read bios timer (CX
X = 1 / 18.206sec timeunits,
cmp DX,BX
je _Loop ;if timer = saved time then wait
mov AL, 0b6h ;Prepare the PC's internal speaker to sound a note
out 43h, AL ;set port 43h for channel 2
mov BX,0080h ;BX used to point to buffer (= first address -1)
mov DX,0 ;DX used for modes: 0=Hertz, 1=playtime,
mov CX,0 ;CX used to see if any value has been read
mov AX,0 ;AX used to hold value being read out of buffer
inc BX ;next character (bufferaddress+1)
cmp byte [BX],30h ;char from buffer[BX]
jb _ChkVal ;if character < "0" then stop read and check value
cmp byte [BX],39h ;char from buffer[BX]
ja _ChkVal ;if character > "9" then stop read and check value
mov CX,0Ah ;a numeric character has been found
push DX ;save DX
mul CX ;value*10 (DX:AX = AX * CX)
mov DX,0 ;(DX = 0)
mov DL,byte [BX] ;make word from byte (DX = BXpointedAddressValue)
add AX,DX ;value+char.ascII (DX:AX = AX + DX)
sub AX,30h ;value-48 ("0"=0, "1"=1, ...)
pop DX ;restore DX and delete overflow, value=max 65535
jmp _ReadChar ;get next char
cmp CX,0
jne _DoVal ;if CX <> 0 (some val given)
cmp byte [BX],0Dh
je _Exit ;if char = [enter] then stop
jmp _NextVal
mov CX,AX ;CX=value (CX=AX)
cmp DX,2
je _PauseTime ;if DL=2
cmp DX,1
je _PlayTime ;if DL=1
mov DX,14h ;high divider of frequency
mov AX,4F38h ;low divider of frequency
div CX ;CX = 1331000 / hertz (DX:AX= DX:AX / CX)
out 42h, AL ;Output low byte
mov AL,AH ;AL=AH
out 42h, AL ;Output high byte
mov DX,1 ;next val = Playtime
jmp _NextVal
in AL,61h ;read port 61h
or AL,3 ;set bits 1 & 0
out 61h, al ;send new value
mov DX,2 ;next val = Pausetime
jmp _Pause
in AL, 61h ;read port 61h
and AL, 252 ;clear bits 1 & 0
out 61h, al ;send new value
mov DL,0 ;next val = SetFrequence
jmp _Pause
push DX ;save mode
push BX ;save char-address
cmp CX,00FFh ;CX=delaytime in 1/100 second
jbe _TimeOk ;if time < 2,55sec then do pause
mov CX,00FFh ;lower val to maximum time (2,55 sec)
;change 1/100sec to 1/18.206 sec
mov AX,91 ;multiplier
mul CX ;time = time * 91 (DX:AX = CX * AX)
mov BX,500 ;divider
div BX ;time = time / 500 (DX:AX = DX:AX / BX)
mov BX,AX ;save result
mov AH,0 ;function 0 for int 1Ah = read system timer
int 1Ah ;read bios timer (CX
X = 1 / 18.206sec timeunits,
add BX,DX ;add present time to delay time
mov AH,0 ;function 0 for int 1Ah = read system timer
int 1Ah ;read bios timer (CX
X = 1 / 18.206sec timeunits,
cmp DX,BX
ja _Loop1 ;if time > delay then wait on truncate low-word
mov AH,0 ;function 0 for int 1Ah = read system timer
int 1Ah ;read bios timer (CX
X = 1 / 18.206sec timeunits,
cmp DX,BX
jb _Loop2 ;if time < delay then wait
pop BX ;get saved char-address
pop DX ;get saved mode
jmp _NextVal
in AL, 61h ;read port 61h
and AL, 252 ;clear bits 1 & 0
out 61h, al ;send new value to stop any sound
mov AH,0
int 21h ;end
uses a Shell or Call in Excel?
I only want to hear a sound on the PC's internal speaker which I had
to make a assembler (fasm) *.com program for. It works perfect under
DOS without sounding the external speakers through win98, but now
Excel is making a sound!
call shell("c:\dos\inPCplay.com 1000 20",0)
witch calls:
; author (e-mail address removed)
; use: inPCplay hertz1 playtime1 [pausetime1 [hertz2 playtime2 ...]]
; time in 1/100 second
; use in Excel: call shell ("c:\inPCplay.com 1000 20 20 2000 20 20
3000 20")
;wait for a time-change of the 1/18sec ticks before starting
mov AH,0 ;function 0 for int 1Ah = read system timer
int 1Ah ;read bios timer (CX
mov BX,DX ;save low word to compare later
mov AH,0 ;function 0 for int 1Ah = read system timer
int 1Ah ;read bios timer (CX
cmp DX,BX
je _Loop ;if timer = saved time then wait
mov AL, 0b6h ;Prepare the PC's internal speaker to sound a note
out 43h, AL ;set port 43h for channel 2
mov BX,0080h ;BX used to point to buffer (= first address -1)
mov DX,0 ;DX used for modes: 0=Hertz, 1=playtime,
mov CX,0 ;CX used to see if any value has been read
mov AX,0 ;AX used to hold value being read out of buffer
inc BX ;next character (bufferaddress+1)
cmp byte [BX],30h ;char from buffer[BX]
jb _ChkVal ;if character < "0" then stop read and check value
cmp byte [BX],39h ;char from buffer[BX]
ja _ChkVal ;if character > "9" then stop read and check value
mov CX,0Ah ;a numeric character has been found
push DX ;save DX
mul CX ;value*10 (DX:AX = AX * CX)
mov DX,0 ;(DX = 0)
mov DL,byte [BX] ;make word from byte (DX = BXpointedAddressValue)
add AX,DX ;value+char.ascII (DX:AX = AX + DX)
sub AX,30h ;value-48 ("0"=0, "1"=1, ...)
pop DX ;restore DX and delete overflow, value=max 65535
jmp _ReadChar ;get next char
cmp CX,0
jne _DoVal ;if CX <> 0 (some val given)
cmp byte [BX],0Dh
je _Exit ;if char = [enter] then stop
jmp _NextVal
mov CX,AX ;CX=value (CX=AX)
cmp DX,2
je _PauseTime ;if DL=2
cmp DX,1
je _PlayTime ;if DL=1
mov DX,14h ;high divider of frequency
mov AX,4F38h ;low divider of frequency
div CX ;CX = 1331000 / hertz (DX:AX= DX:AX / CX)
out 42h, AL ;Output low byte
mov AL,AH ;AL=AH
out 42h, AL ;Output high byte
mov DX,1 ;next val = Playtime
jmp _NextVal
in AL,61h ;read port 61h
or AL,3 ;set bits 1 & 0
out 61h, al ;send new value
mov DX,2 ;next val = Pausetime
jmp _Pause
in AL, 61h ;read port 61h
and AL, 252 ;clear bits 1 & 0
out 61h, al ;send new value
mov DL,0 ;next val = SetFrequence
jmp _Pause
push DX ;save mode
push BX ;save char-address
cmp CX,00FFh ;CX=delaytime in 1/100 second
jbe _TimeOk ;if time < 2,55sec then do pause
mov CX,00FFh ;lower val to maximum time (2,55 sec)
;change 1/100sec to 1/18.206 sec
mov AX,91 ;multiplier
mul CX ;time = time * 91 (DX:AX = CX * AX)
mov BX,500 ;divider
div BX ;time = time / 500 (DX:AX = DX:AX / BX)
mov BX,AX ;save result
mov AH,0 ;function 0 for int 1Ah = read system timer
int 1Ah ;read bios timer (CX
add BX,DX ;add present time to delay time
mov AH,0 ;function 0 for int 1Ah = read system timer
int 1Ah ;read bios timer (CX
cmp DX,BX
ja _Loop1 ;if time > delay then wait on truncate low-word
mov AH,0 ;function 0 for int 1Ah = read system timer
int 1Ah ;read bios timer (CX
cmp DX,BX
jb _Loop2 ;if time < delay then wait
pop BX ;get saved char-address
pop DX ;get saved mode
jmp _NextVal
in AL, 61h ;read port 61h
and AL, 252 ;clear bits 1 & 0
out 61h, al ;send new value to stop any sound
mov AH,0
int 21h ;end