1. When Outlook2003 Starts:
Open Outlook2003 (similar process in early versions of Outlook)> TOOLS>
Options> Mail Setup tab> Check box to send immediately> Press Send/Receive
button> Under All Groups section, make sure that box to include this group
in send/receive is checked.
2. When Windows Starts.
a. Set up Outlook as in step#1, when Outlook Starts.
b.Then create a shortcut on your Desktop to start Outlook, if not
already there..
c. Click and hold with your mouse, and drag the Outlook icon, into the
Startup folder, under All Programs on the Start button window.
d. You can set the shortcut to open Outlook in a Minimum or Maximum view
if you want. By right clicking the short cut in the Startup folder>
Properties> and select the window state that the program opens with.
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How do configure Outlook to send/receive messages at start up?