How do enable the "click to follow link" function in Outlook?



I am having a problem when I click on any links in emails sent to me. The
error message tells me that this operation has been cancelled due to
restriction in effect on this computer and advises me to check with the
system administrator. I am working on my personal pc at home and I am unable
to figure out how to get this function back. Can anyone help me?


archie said:
I am having a problem when I click on any links in emails sent to me. The
error message tells me that this operation has been cancelled due to
restriction in effect on this computer and advises me to check with the
system administrator. I am working on my personal pc at home and I am
unable to figure out how to get this function back. Can anyone help me?

Regarding error or status messages:
- Do NOT omit the message.
- Do NOT describe the message.
- Do NOT summarize the message.
- Do NOT paraphrase the message.
- Do NOT truncate the message.
- Do show the ENTIRE message (but munge or star out personal info,
like your username in an e-mail address but not the domain).
- Provide sufficient context on when the error occurs or how to
reproduce it.

You found absolutely nothing in a Google search on this problem?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

reset your web settings/ Internet options (you don't mention your OS or IE

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
ALWAYS post your Outlook version.
How to ask a question:

After furious head scratching, archie asked:

| I am having a problem when I click on any links in emails sent to me.
| The error message tells me that this operation has been cancelled due
| to restriction in effect on this computer and advises me to check
| with the system administrator. I am working on my personal pc at
| home and I am unable to figure out how to get this function back.
| Can anyone help me?

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