How do I access a created template from letter wizard

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trying to streamline

I have created a letter template in Word 2003 and it is saved in the template
directory. I want to access this template from the "letter wizard" so I can
insert a contact into the address line. When I choose a page style from the
letter wizard dialoge box, I cannot find the template. How can access this
template from letter wizard? If I cannot access this template, then how can
insert a contact into the address line from this template without letter


Close Word. In the Templates directory, create a subdirectory named
"Letters & Faxes". Put your letter template in that subdirectory.
Start Word. Your template should now appear with the Microsoft
templates on the "Letters & Faxes" tab.

Charles Kenyon

The template's name needs to contain the letters "letter."

If you are interested in creating templates that will work with the letter
wizard or use that wizard, you should look at the chapter on Advanced
Document Formatting in Using Office 2003 (or whatever your version is),
Special Edition, by Ed Bott and Woody Leonhard. It has detailed instructions
including instructions on getting the fields you want from your Outlook
Contacts for addressing a letter. (Chapter 19 of SE Using Office 2003) You
should be able to get this through your public library or at

Take a look at: How to set up letterhead or some other document where you
want one header on the first page and a different header on other pages. This gives step-by-step
instructions. (It also has the following links)

Some other pages to look at:

Letterhead Tips and Instructions

Letterhead Textboxes and Styles tutorial

Template Basics

How to Create a Template - Part 2 - essential reading

Word "Forms" and

Word for Word Perfect Users if you are coming from a WP
environment (or even if you are not).

Hope this helps,

Charles Kenyon

Unless the template's name contain's "letter" it won't show up as a wizard
option even if in the Letters and Templates folder. If it does contain those
characters, it will show up even if in a different sub folder of the User
Templates or Workgroup Templates folder.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Actually, the Letter Wizard will pick up any template that has "letter" in
the name (including "letterhead"). But what it does to your carefully
crafted template is not necessarily something you want to experience. You'd
do better to write your own UserForm to collect the data to insert in the


Ahhh... I misunderstood the question. I didn't see the "letter wizard"
part. I thought the OP was asking how to get his/her template to appear

Charles Kenyon

I know, I don't understand why someone would want to run a perfectly good
template through the meat grinder that is the letter wizard, myself.

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