How do I access the printer variable "number of copies"?


Jacob Skaria

You can try out the below macro. If you are new to macros..

--Set the Security level to low/medium in (Tools|Macro|Security).
--From workbook launch VBE using short-key Alt+F11.
--From menu 'Insert' a module and paste the below code.
--Get back to Workbook.
--Run macro from Tools|Macro|Run <selected macro()>

--Format cell A1 as Text (Right click>FormatCells>select Text)
--Cell A1 will hold the number. Change the cell reference to suit your

Sub PrintMultiples()
Dim intTemp as Integer
For intTemp = 1 To 50
Range("A1") = Format(intTemp,"0000")
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=1, Collate:=True
Next intTemp
End Sub

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