How do I activate speech recognition for Office Pro 2007?



Before I installed Office Professional 2007, I could use voice recognition
for other word documents (Word Perfect, MSWorks). Now I only have
handwritting tools. How do I re-install speech recognition?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

It is now a part of Windows Vista so there is no more speech in Office 2007.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Delano asked:

| Before I installed Office Professional 2007, I could use voice
| recognition for other word documents (Word Perfect, MSWorks). Now I
| only have handwritting tools. How do I re-install speech recognition?


I think this is a major problem, as many of us won't be upgrading to Vista
for quite a while, it would be great if there was a patch for those of us on
XP to run speech recognition.

Delano said:
Thank you for replying even though it wasn't the response I had hoped!

Milly Staples said:
It is now a part of Windows Vista so there is no more speech in Office 2007.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Delano asked:

| Before I installed Office Professional 2007, I could use voice
| recognition for other word documents (Word Perfect, MSWorks). Now I
| only have handwritting tools. How do I re-install speech recognition?


So am I to understand that when I upgraded from Office 2003 to Office 2007, I
Lost speech functionality!? When I do an upgrade, I expect to Increase and
Improve features and stability, Not Lose It!
command an d control and dictation worked fine in xp with Office 2003. In
fact, I have used microsofts speech dictation since version 4 of the SAPI,
back in 1999, in Windows 2000. I was So thrilled to see you guys integrate it
into Office 2003! AND NOT, WHAT WORKED FINE IS REMOVED? I can only assume it
is a marketing move to "encourage" me to move to Vista. Like many others, I
wil not be moving to Vista any time soon, and if I am right in that dictation
being removed from Office was a marketing decision, then I will never move to
Vista, and Office 2007 will be the last Microsoft product I buy. I am very
unhappy about this. Give me back dictation, and command and control, or lose
a customer for life. Windows XP is good enough that I can't imagine a reason
to leave it. The OS is a foundation for me to work on top of. XP fits that
very well. To take a feature away to get me to move to Vista is a very bad
idea. Those of us that use voice features have better things to do than play
your marketing games. So, who makes a comparable voice app? They will get my
Unless there is a patch to give me back the feature I lost by upgrading, I
will never upgrade another Microsoft app. This is a critical juncture that
you have put yourself in. Good Day


Also, I watched a few demos of OneNote and simply fell in love with the
silky smooth communication between Outlook and OneNote. A large part of that
was the command and control abilities that I had when i demo'd OneNote 2007
with Outlook 2003, which has command and control as well as dictation. There
has been no mention of losing voice features until now. Very sneaky. Did you
think no one would miss it? Or no one used it? Or did you figure that after I
shelled out $400 on Office 2007, another $300 on Vista would be a no-brainer?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

This is a peer to peer news group. Who do you think you are preaching to?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, WorkingOnWise asked:

| So am I to understand that when I upgraded from Office 2003 to Office
| 2007, I Lost speech functionality!? When I do an upgrade, I expect to
| Increase and Improve features and stability, Not Lose It!
| command an d control and dictation worked fine in xp with Office
| 2003. In fact, I have used microsofts speech dictation since version
| 4 of the SAPI, back in 1999, in Windows 2000. I was So thrilled to
| see you guys integrate it into Office 2003! AND NOT, WHAT WORKED FINE
| IS REMOVED? I can only assume it is a marketing move to "encourage"
| me to move to Vista. Like many others, I wil not be moving to Vista
| any time soon, and if I am right in that dictation being removed from
| Office was a marketing decision, then I will never move to Vista, and
| Office 2007 will be the last Microsoft product I buy. I am very
| unhappy about this. Give me back dictation, and command and control,
| or lose a customer for life. Windows XP is good enough that I can't
| imagine a reason to leave it. The OS is a foundation for me to work
| on top of. XP fits that very well. To take a feature away to get me
| to move to Vista is a very bad idea. Those of us that use voice
| features have better things to do than play your marketing games. So,
| who makes a comparable voice app? They will get my money.
| Unless there is a patch to give me back the feature I lost by
| upgrading, I will never upgrade another Microsoft app. This is a
| critical juncture that you have put yourself in. Good Day


Milly Staples said:
This is a peer to peer news group. Who do you think you are preaching to?

Yes Milly. A peer to peer group...hosted by Microsoft.....on Who do you think I think I am preaching to? Duh. My goal
is to spread my disgust with their greedy, foolish, and counterintuitive
tactics far and wide. The squeeky wheel gets his voice recognition back!
Squeek Squeek Squeek Squeek!!


Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

I am afraid you will end up annoying only yourself if you continue to squeak. ROTFL

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, WorkingOnWise asked:

| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| This is a peer to peer news group. Who do you think you are
|| preaching to?
| Yes Milly. A peer to peer group...hosted by Microsoft.....on
| Who do you think I think I am preaching to? Duh.
| My goal is to spread my disgust with their greedy, foolish, and
| counterintuitive tactics far and wide. The squeeky wheel gets his
| voice recognition back! Squeek Squeek Squeek Squeek!!
| Keith

Bob I

WorkingOnWise said:

Yes Milly. A peer to peer group...hosted by Microsoft.....on Who do you think I think I am preaching to? Duh. My goal
is to spread my disgust with their greedy, foolish, and counterintuitive
tactics far and wide. The squeeky wheel gets his voice recognition back!
Squeek Squeek Squeek Squeek!!


Hardly an effective tactic, you are only a little background noise, sort
of like the "Linux" zealots and OO nuts that post here too. As Milly
said, your target audience isn't here so you are squeaking in the
windstorm. BTW if you want it, you know how you are going to get it, and
you are only fooling yourself if you think you are going to avoid doing
it the way the rest of the world gets it.


whats annoying is people like you defending microsoft like there always right
and the customers are always wrong

Bob I

Microsoft owns the servers, but they aren't moderated. It's merely a
user-to-user volunteer support system. Customers buy products, and in
agregate they are always right, but wandering trolls are typically shown
the door.
whats annoying is people like you defending microsoft like there always right
and the customers are always wrong


I am afraid you will end up annoying only yourself if you continue to squeak. ROTFL

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, WorkingOnWise asked:

| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| This is a peer to peer news group. Who do you think you are
|| preaching to?
| Yes Milly. A peer to peer group...hosted by Microsoft.....on
| Who do you think I think I am preaching to? Duh.
| My goal is to spread my disgust with their greedy, foolish, and
| counterintuitive tactics far and wide. The squeeky wheel gets his
| voice recognition back! Squeek Squeek Squeek Squeek!!
| Keith


You seriously think that microsoft was just going to get allow their
users to have full functionallity without making the switch. Yes, it is
a marketing ploy, but if you are too blind to see what else is going on
here than you shouldn't be squeaking or preaching. Microsoft is not
letting any of the OEM computer manufacters build anything that dosent
have vista on it (notice vista is not captialized (for good reason))
unless you have a specific deal with microsoft or you can find an oem
copy of Windows XP Floating around on your own and you build something
for yourself, which is the best of the 2 options. You shouldn't be so
naive to think that microsoft is just going to let all of their new
software work with older versions of Windows. Take 98 for example, if
you go to Windows and try to update Windows 98 SE, it gives
you a link to Microsoft for Mac they have completely removed all
compatibility for the operating system that put them on the map. Unless
you can see the bigger picture than don't just complain about one aspect
of the issue. Also i'm trying out a new program from i'll let you know how it goes.

Bob I

You seem a bit confused. Dell is currently selling Windows XP boxes, AND
Microsoft just extended the OEM availability of XP Pro from Jan 2008 out
to Jan 2009. Perhaps you should do a reality check BEFORE you rant?


Aw, man! *Bob I* beat me to it. And anyways, I can still find OEM copie
of Windows 98, so it's not really a big problem once Microsoft stop
selling them.

Oh, and of course Microsoft is going to try to do anything they can t
get you to buy their new software. It's what every profit-based compan
does. If you don't like it, use other software. I hear i
doing well..


I also use the voice recognition in Office 2003 with XP and it was very
helpful for writing term papers etc.

Now my "new" desktop has Vista, but I still have Office 2003 and the voice
recognition freezes after about 5-10 mins. Are you saying that I also have
to upgrade to Office 2007 to have something that was comparable to what I had

My laptop still had XP & Office 2003 and is working fine.


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