You need to convert it to a picture format - jpeg being a good choice. If
you don't have any PDF converter, display the picture in Acrobat (or other
PDF reader) and display it in FullScreenView. (Make sure the cursor is of
screen), then use Alt+PrtScn. That action will copy the screen to the
Windows clipboard.
Now open a graphics editor (if you don't have one,. download the free
IrfanView) and paste the clipboard into the editor. Crop the picture if
needed and then save it as a jpeg. Now you can use it.
When you say you want it as a background picture, do you mean in Word or as
your desktop background (wallpaper). If it is the latter, then when the
picture is open in IrfanView, choose Options, Set as Wallpaper and choose
the option to Tile, Stretch or Centre the picture on screen.
Terry Farrell - MS Word MVP
IwishIknewitall said:
I don't have it as a .jpg but I do have the PDF... now what?
JoAnn Paules said:
Why is it a Word doc? Just use the .jpg file.
JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
How to ask a question
IwishIknewitall said:
I scanned a photo that I would like used as my background picture.
It's currently on a Word doc.