How do I add a RSS reader to my FrontPage site?


Doug Stewart

I have FrontPage 2003 and want to add a RSS reader. I've spent the last week
reading about RSS to figure out how to do this and I can't get my head around

I now understand WHY it is important and WHAT it does. However, I don't
understand the HOW of what bits of SW I need and how they connect together.

For example, let's say that there are 5 websites out there with RSS feeds. I
want to aggregate them and display them on my website. So I need a 'RSS
Reader'. But all the documention talks about downloading the RSS reader to my
PC. What has that got to do with my WEB site, which is hosted?

I'm trying to understand what SW goes on my PC, what SW goes on my website,
and how the two tie together. And most importantly, how it all ties into my
FrontPage web site.

I also understand that I paste RSS feeds into the RSS reader. Do I do this
on my PC SW or on my WEB SW? How does it tie together?

I guess I need a user manual. Can anyone put it in simple terms?


Trevor L.

I found an interesting post from Tom Gahagan, which I am sure he won't mind
me sending you
Hello all......

For those that have expressed interest in RSS there is an excellent article
at netdummy.

The article covers rss with asp, php and javascript..... and will give you a
great start toward putting it on your site.

Anyway.... hope it helps.

Tom Gahagan
And another
Every few days there is a question about this so I thought I would post this
link again for all.

This article shows how to display rss using...


and points to resources for rss to html conversion.

I'm not trying to promote this site... it is just a good article.

Best to you........
Tom Gahagan

I have a BCC newsfeed which works great on my website
Trevor L.

Doug said:
I have FrontPage 2003 and want to add a RSS reader. I've spent the
last week reading about RSS to figure out how to do this and I can't
get my head around it.

I now understand WHY it is important and WHAT it does. However, I
don't understand the HOW of what bits of SW I need and how they
connect together.

For example, let's say that there are 5 websites out there with RSS
feeds. I want to aggregate them and display them on my website. So I
need a 'RSS Reader'. But all the documention talks about downloading
the RSS reader to my PC. What has that got to do with my WEB site,
which is hosted?

I'm trying to understand what SW goes on my PC, what SW goes on my
website, and how the two tie together. And most importantly, how it
all ties into my FrontPage web site.

I also understand that I paste RSS feeds into the RSS reader. Do I do
this on my PC SW or on my WEB SW? How does it tie together?

I guess I need a user manual. Can anyone put it in simple terms?


I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?

Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

Hopefully Tom will post and absolute link to the first article he mentioned.
I snooped for it but there were quite a few.

Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

ContentSeed: great tool for web masters,
a fantastic convenience for site owners.

Doug Stewart

Trevor and Chris

Thank you.

The problem I have with the on-line information is that they tell "WHY" and
"WHAT" but not "HOW" at the introductory level. I've separately been referred
to Their front stuff has the same issue, but I went to
their support area and downloaded their technical manual. The technical
manual I've found very usefull in explaining the bits that other sites don't.

That being said, can anyone offer a view on the EXTRALABS "RSS Agregator"? I
have to pay for it, but for under $30 (£20), it doesn't break the bank.
However, as I don't know how to compare to other products, I would be
interested in people's views of how it stacks up.

At the moment I've downloaded the free copy, created a few files and FTPed
them into the host directory where my FrontPage files are stored. The file
which has been uploaded is "channel.xml". What I haven't figured out yet is
how to get Frontpage to reference them. Anyone know? Also, I don't really
know if I should upload to my host directory and link from there or if I
should do all of this on my PC (e.g. copy it into the same PC directory as my
Frontpage files, link the two together and them do a FrontPage publish).
Anyone have a view? If I FTP to my host the XML file has a ".xml" extension
whereas if I export it to my PC it has a ".opml" extension.

Any feedback appreciated.

Doug Stewart

Trevor L.


I appreciate that one needs to now HOW. This has been my experience many

I am not experienced enough to answer all the questions, but I got an RSS
feed working very easily afer reading the posts by Tom Gahagan. I installed
one on my PC web (My Webs\myweb), and then published as normal.

FYI, this is a feed to BBC News.
<script type="text/javascript"

The stuff after src= should all be on one line.

As I recall, when you find an RSS feed, there are instructions as to what to
place in your code.

It is possible that when the code is in a separate file (in your case you
refer to an .xml file) you need to call it from your main page e.g. <a
href="bbcnews.html">BBC News Feed</a>. This is in fact what I do. This call
is on my mainpage. The code quoted above is in bbcnews.html

Let me know of I can help any further. (I can of course only tell you what
worked for me.)
Trevor L.

Doug said:
Trevor and Chris

Thank you.

The problem I have with the on-line information is that they tell
"WHY" and "WHAT" but not "HOW" at the introductory level. I've
separately been referred to Their front stuff has
the same issue, but I went to their support area and downloaded their
technical manual. The technical manual I've found very usefull in
explaining the bits that other sites don't.

That being said, can anyone offer a view on the EXTRALABS "RSS
Agregator"? I have to pay for it, but for under $30 (£20), it doesn't
break the bank. However, as I don't know how to compare to other
products, I would be interested in people's views of how it stacks up.

At the moment I've downloaded the free copy, created a few files and
FTPed them into the host directory where my FrontPage files are
stored. The file which has been uploaded is "channel.xml". What I
haven't figured out yet is how to get Frontpage to reference them.
Anyone know? Also, I don't really know if I should upload to my host
directory and link from there or if I should do all of this on my PC
(e.g. copy it into the same PC directory as my Frontpage files, link
the two together and them do a FrontPage publish). Anyone have a
view? If I FTP to my host the XML file has a ".xml" extension whereas
if I export it to my PC it has a ".opml" extension.

Any feedback appreciated.

Doug Stewart

I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?

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