how do I add a scroll bar to my webpage


bengal central

I just finished publishing my webpage and it is uploaded. I started from
scratch so am self taught. I now realize I don't have scroll bars on the
bottom of my webpages, so they "screw up" when a click on Favourites or
Search on the side of IE. Everything gets squished on my webpage then. How do
I fix this? Can I add a scroll bar now, to each page? Help?

Thomas A. Rowe


The only way to turn off the scroll bars is if you have used frames. A normal page will have scroll
bars if the content extent pass the current browser window opening.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Rick Budde

It sounds like perhaps you used fixed width tables to
format your page content. Now in IE when you click to add
a Favorites or Search window, you page does the squish
thing you observe. If so, try using percentage based
tables to contain your content.

Browsers will add scroll bars automaticaly to web pages
whose content is wider than the viewport. But be
forewarned, for the most part users do not want to have
to scroll horizontally to view a web page.

Steve Easton

Actually Rick, I think it would be the opposite, the poster used percentages instead of fixed width,
therefore the tables resize.
They need to use fixed width to invoke the horizontal scroll bar when the page resizes.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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