To add a row to the end of a table (in any version of Word), put the cursor
at the end of the last cell, and press the Tab key.
To delete a row (any version of Word), select the entire row, and press the
Backspace key.
To add a row anywhere (Word 2007), right click in a row, and choose Insert -
Insert Rows above, or Insert Rows below (if multiple rows are selected, then
Word will insert that many new rows). Or, click the Table Tools Layout
ribbon tab, and use the dedicated tools in the Rows & Columns section. To
delete a row/s, click in the target row (or select multiple rows), drop down
the Delete tool (in the Rows & Columns section of the Table Tools Layout
ribbon tab) and choose Delete Rows.
To insert a row in Word 2003 and earlier, click in a row (or select the
number of rows you want inserted), and choose Table - Insert - Rows above or
Rows below.
To delete a row in Word 2003, click in the target row, and choose Table -
Delete - Rows.