How do I add and subtract engineering stations in Excel?



I'm trying to calculate the distance between two known Stations (i.e. 100+00
and 200+00) for an easy measure of plan quantities. The Difference between
these two points is 100+00, and the sum is 300+00; obviously (or 100 and 300
respectfully). Ok, so how is this done in Excel to arrive with an answer in
either working number format?
The formatting is a custom type: 000+00, but the cell still references #VALUE.

Fred Smith

What is 300+00 supposed to be? Is this 300 x 10^0 (=300)? If so, Excel calls
this scientific notation, and uses the format:

Either enter your numbers as lay people do, or enter it in Excel's
scientific notation. Then do your calculations normally (ie =a1+b1)



firstly, try checking the number format in the given cells, it may have been
typed as text. if so, changed the number format into 0+00 and type 10000 &
20000 for 100+00 & 200+00, respectively.

since the answer will be in one cell (e.g C1), you can format it as general
A1=100+00 <number format as 0+00> meaning 100*100 = 10000 in feet
B1=200+00 <number format as 0+00> meaning 200*100 = 20000 in feet
C1=B1-A1 <number format as general for plan measures as quantity
meaning 20000-10000= 10000


David Biddulph

If you are using a custom number format 000+00, and the numbers are entered
as numbers, the calculation will work and display correctly.

If, however, you type the number in as 100+00, instead of as 10000, it will
be interpreted as text, and hence your #VALUE! error.

If some or all of your "numbers" are text, you could use something like
=LEFT(A1,3)+LEFT(A2,3)&"+"&RIGHT(A1,2)+RIGHT(A2,2), which of course gives
the answer as text.
=(LEFT(A1,3)+LEFT(A2,3))*100+RIGHT(A1,2)+RIGHT(A2,2) would give a number
which could be formatted 000+00.

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