How do I add color background to a logo image?



I am wanting to use our company logo within a htm document which I have given
a coloured background. It is a regular newsletter we send out to members by
email. To encourage people to scan the newsletter, we want it to appear
within the body of the email and not just as an attachment. I want to have
the background of our company logo to be the same colour as the background
colour used in the document. At the moment, the rectanglar background for
the logo graphic is white.

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?TWFyZw==?=,
I am wanting to use our company logo within a htm document which I have given
a coloured background. It is a regular newsletter we send out to members by
email. To encourage people to scan the newsletter, we want it to appear
within the body of the email and not just as an attachment. I want to have
the background of our company logo to be the same colour as the background
colour used in the document. At the moment, the rectanglar background for
the logo graphic is white.

With the reservation that Word is probably not the appropriate tool to use for
your task...

You'd need to edit the logo in a graphics program, setting the background color
to be "transparent". Note that some graphics formats support this (GIF, for
example), and others to not.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

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in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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