I know I've seen documentation on the methods and members of the Events web
service in the SDK but I haven't seen any code examples for adding event
handler associations. Let me explain what I'm looking for and hopefully
someone can shed some light for me.
I have created an event handler for the project OnPublished event and I now
want to create an install application that will install the dll into the GAC
and add the association to the event in Project Server 2007. Putting the dll
into the GAC is easy enough, yes I managed this all on my own
P), but I'm
having a hard time finding and figuring out how to begin coding for making
the association to the eventhandler.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone!
service in the SDK but I haven't seen any code examples for adding event
handler associations. Let me explain what I'm looking for and hopefully
someone can shed some light for me.
I have created an event handler for the project OnPublished event and I now
want to create an install application that will install the dll into the GAC
and add the association to the event in Project Server 2007. Putting the dll
into the GAC is easy enough, yes I managed this all on my own
having a hard time finding and figuring out how to begin coding for making
the association to the eventhandler.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone!