How do I add writing on top of a picture in word?



How do I add writing on top of a picture in word? I am trying to make a
label. I inserted a picture into a word document. Now I want to add a name
and date on top of the picture. Can anyone help me do this?

Thanks in advance.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Assuming the picture is In Line With Text, insert a text box (with No Line
and No Fill) and format it as In Front of Text. Type your text there.


Thanks, I guess that's what I will do. I'm trying to make a label with a
picture and writing on top of the picture. I thought it could be done right
in word also. Maybe I was wrong.


Thanks for answering.

I'm afraid this info is above my knowledge.
I don't know what "In Line with Text" is.

The first thing I did was add photo to document. Then I tried using a text
box. But then couldn't find a way to put this on top of the photo picture.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

1. Click on your photo. This will display the Picture toolbar. Click on the
Text Wrapping button (dog icon). Select In Line With Text.

2. Now choose Insert | Text Box. You'll get a cross-hair pointer. Draw the
text box in front of the picture (and don't worry about what happens next).

3. Double-click on the border of the text box (or right-click on it and
choose Format Text Box). Either will open the Format Text Box dialog.

4. The visible tab will be Colors and Lines. Choose No Fill for the color
and No Line for the line.

5. Click on the Layout tab and choose In Front of Text.

6. Click OK. Now type in your text box. You can also resize it as needed.

This is the proper method if you have just a little text to put on top of a
picture. If you have a lot of text and want to put the picture behind it,
then type the text in your document and format your picture as Behind Text.

If you're trying to do this with labels, see


Right-click on the edge of the Text Box and select Properties. You can
change it to In Front of Text and other parameters in this dialog.

Pictures can be inserted In Line, as thought the picture is an object with
normal paragraph type properties where the text precedes and follows it.
Again, you can right-click on the picture and select Properties and change
many parameters including it acting as a floating object with text wrapping
around it.

Experiment and enjoy!


AJL said:
How do I add writing on top of a picture in word? I am trying to make a
label. I inserted a picture into a word document. Now I want to add a name
and date on top of the picture. Can anyone help me do this?

Thanks in advance.


Thank you very much for answering.

Right-click on the edge of the Text Box and select Properties. You can
change it to In Front of Text and other parameters in this dialog.

Pictures can be inserted In Line, as thought the picture is an object with
normal paragraph type properties where the text precedes and follows it.
Again, you can right-click on the picture and select Properties and change
many parameters including it acting as a floating object with text wrapping
around it.

Experiment and enjoy!

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